In Kostanay College building on September 24, 2016 passed general college meeting. The meeting was attended by 134 parents, first-year students.

Director of the College Shamshin A. Zh. informed parents about activities and directions of college work.

Analysis of the state of juvenile delinquency for college 2015-2016god made deputy director of educational work Inertbaeva.G.S. Senior police inspector at UOP Nam ATC Kostanai – Valieva.M.A ascertained facts of offenses among minors and informed parents control children about the rules of conduct in public places, limiting the residence time of the minors to 23.00 hours in the evening.

Prevention of religious extremism has a specialist department of monitoring and analysis center study religious issues Disyukov.D.A.

Teacher-psychologist Kinzyabulatova.N.E familiarized parents with statistics and facts of suicide among minors in Kostanay region. After prophylactic conversation, all parents warned about the control of Internet sites, and children were given special reminders for the prevention and the prevention of self-destructive behavior among minors.