September 10, 2016 in the “Festival of Health” held competitions in 3 types of sports among students of 1-2 courses:

  • Basketball-blitz (1st course by groups) responsible Mukhambetov K.J.
  • Football championship among college offices (2nd year), responsible Salmagambetov T.N.
  • Athletics Cross at 1000m distance. Girl, 2000m. Boys (1st year), responsible Bragin V.I.

As mass entertainment Baimukhanov A.T. organized a competition in tug of war.

The aim of the competition was to attract young people to a healthy lifestyle and the formation of stable skills in physical culture and sports. The aim of the competition is to familiarize students with each other and faculty in a relaxed holiday atmosphere, as well as the identification of the strongest athletes to form teams of. The opening was bright and colorful, welcoming remarks said college director Shamshin A. Zh., then support group held a pep workout. Demonstrations of college students involved in clubs for weight lifting, passed on “hurray!” Then, the competitors were taken to places of sport battles.

Blitz tournaments in basketball were held in the regulations: 2 periods of 5 minutes on a mixed system. Due to weather conditions the game had to be moved to the gym. The competition was held in the sports gambling environment where each team tried to win. Along with the young men fought for the victory and the girl, showing at least the game soundly on the court. Eventually

1st place went to the team group 321 SEZS-1,

2nd place – team of the group 322 and SM-1

3rd place team won the group 1 319 Arch.

In football, the students competed 2nd year for offices and showed at least a decent game on the field. The meetings were held in a circular system. Results:

1st place went to the team of the construction department,

2nd place – architectural offices and

3rd place team from the technical department.

On the cross-country race in speed endurance, the students competed 1st course.


1st place was taken by Dyubko Catherine c. 318 Arch-1c,

2nd place – Bisekeeva Kuliai c. 325 VTiPO-1

3rd place – Kenzhibaeva Erkezhan c. 320 D-1.


1st place went to Alex Gursky c. 321 SEZS-1,

2nd place – Sergei Nemelyaev c. 319 Arch-1 and

3rd place – Tleubaev Damir c. 319 Arch-1.

The total coverage of about 300 students, the competition-200

In general, the competition took place at a decent level, we hope the students a boost of energy for the whole school year!