All specialties are necessary and important. That’s what representatives of universities and colleges talked about today at the World of Professions student forum in Fedorovsky district. Pupils of all rural schools were invited to a meeting with educational institutions where they could ask all questions of interest – from the number of grants to the quality of training and employment.
Teachers of Kostanay Building College Gerya V.G., Kuzdibaev O.U., student activist Karimova Anastasiya took an opportunity to tell about our educational institution. During the forum, they told about the conditions of admission, specialties, social benefits and prospects in life for degree holders of construction college.
Organizers of a forum hope that it helped the future graduates to orient in a variety both a profession and educational institutions of area.
We wish high school students a successful choice of future profession in accordance with their capabilities, abilities and the requirements of today’s labor market.