The results of the Professional Mastery Competition among college supervisors, which was aimed at popularizing supervising as one of the main components of teaching activity in TIPO, were summed up. This competition was organized by the Center for Educational Work. During the two months the curators from the departments showed their professional skills, competing in the methodological and practical literacy of the educational activities.
According to the results of the Contest the following nominations were awarded to the participants:
ORSSP / Abikenova Aliya Mendygalievna: COURATOR-DEAKER
ORSTP / Aliya Nazkeeva / Aliya Tokushevna: COURATOR-CLASSIST
CO/ Batyrkhanova Gulbanu Batyrkhanovna: COURATOR-NOVATOR
III place was shared by the curators from the architectural department and the department of working specialties of the technical profile: Myrzakhmet Anar Zhumakhanovna and Salmagambetova Savle Saparbaevna.
The II place was won by a creative tandem of curators of the department of construction trade specialties Blazhko Kristina Sergeevna and Epstein Margarita Sergeevna.
The I place was divided between the curators of the technical and polytechnic departments: Krestinina Lyudmila Sergeevna and Kenshova Aigul Karshiganovna.
We heartily congratulate all participants of the Competition! Each of them has adequately presented her Department! And we hope that this contest will be a good start for further professional growth of our teachers!