Today, April 15, the practical stage of the contest “The best extracurricular activity of 2022” ended! Nazkeeva A.T. held an open curatorial hour within the framework of the Contest. Students of group 378 MKA-1 took part in the thematic talk with elements of training “Family, conflicts in the family and ways of their resolution”. The theme chosen by the curator, is very relevant to the students, as soon they will have to build their own families and regulate the relationship with close people. Aliya Tokushevna included in the event a practical stage in which the freshmen were able to become real participants in common situations in family life. At the end of the event the curator concluded that compromises in the family are necessary, and the relationship between relatives should be based on love, respect and trust. All of the guests at the event noted the relevance of the theme chosen by the curator. By April 20 the results of the event will be summed up and we will introduce you to them!