On April 14 the medical officer of Kostanay construction college Eginbaeva G. Z. invited the specialists of HLD Kostanay railway hospital Sarana G. Ya. and also the youth center “Jastar MED” Eleusizova-Kim A. for a preventive conversation with 1 year students on the theme “Psychological health, puberty, prevention of early pregnancy and STIs”.
During the conversation they discussed the topic of puberty, changes in the body that occur against the backdrop of hormonal surge. They talked about the attitude between the sexes: between girls and boys, and between men and women in the future, touched on unplanned pregnancy, the consequences of abortion and contraceptives. The conversation also touched on sexual inviolability, the responsibility for violation of the Criminal Code in terms of sexual inviolability. The students listened attentively to the useful information and at the end of the conversation they asked questions and received comprehensive answers. There was an exchange of opinions. We believe that such conversations will bring positive results.