On April 13th in the assembly hall of the college for the groups 359 Arch-2, 368 D-2, 8 KSP-2 was held an event on the theme: “Destructive religious organizations. Dissemination of destructive content in the Internet environment”. Police Major Tuyganov M. S., member of regional IRG, Head of Training Center for correctional system specialists in counteraction to extremist ideology at Kostanai Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RK named after Sh.
The purpose of the event – the formation of knowledge about the dangers of destructive religious organizations, forms and methods of their work, on the Internet in particular, as well as the prevention of religious extremism.
On behalf of college administration the head of IRG Musina L.M. presented a letter of thanks to Myrzabek Sardarbekovich for his assistance and cooperation over a long period of time in conducting preventive work among college students.
During the event the head of IRG College Musina L.M. acquainted the students with the main directions of work of information and explanatory group on prevention of religious extremism, topicality of this activity taking into account realities of today. M. Tuiganov disclosed the essence and main characteristics of destructive religious organizations, methods of destruction of personality structure, traditional values, techniques used for youth recruitment into their ranks, ways of distribution of destructive content in the Internet environment, specific features, signs and the responsibility that comes under the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan for committing illegal actions of such nature.