On April 7, the first stage of the vocal competition “Two Stars” was held in the auditorium of the first building, where teachers together with students performed musical compositions in duet. The theme of the first stage was Songs in the Kazakh language. Five pairs took part in the competition:
Sadvakasova Marzhan Erikovna – Asyluly Bekzat; Alinova Dinara Ruslanovna – Kazhanov Bekzat; Kubeeva Moldir Kauanyshbekovna – Aitan Nurbolat; Karshalov Kayrat Sadenovich – Amanzhulova Aidana; Salmagambetova Savle Saparbaevna – Akhmetov Kurman.
Performances of the contestants were evaluated by a qualified judicial commission, which included: the winner of city, regional, national competitions, the soloist of the Palace of Culture “Miras” – Daulet Aktanov; winner of city, regional, national competitions, the soloist of the Palace of Culture “Miras” – Dias Kenzhegarin; Deputy Director for Educational Work of Kostanay Construction College Ahmetova Zhubaira Auezkhanovna.
The competition began with a welcoming speech and wishes of success to the participants from the director of the college, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kadyrov Serikbay Kamzovich. Also, the jury supported the participants and performed their compositions as a master class.
According to the results of the first stage the scores were as follows:
Sadvakasova Marzhan Erikovna, Asyluly Bekzat – 11 points
Dinara Ruslanovna Alinova, Bekzat Kazhanov – 13 points
Kubeeva Mildir Kuanyshbekovna, Aitan Nurbolat – 13 points
Kairat Sadenovich Karshalov, Aidana Amanzhulova – 12 points
Salmagambetova Savle Saparbayevna, Akhmetov Kurman – 13 points
The next stage of the contest will be held on April 21 and its theme will be Pop-Music.
We wish all participants success and may the strongest win!