April 1, within the framework of the training program on dry construction and WSK standards a round table on “Training for the construction industry” was held. It was attended by the heads of colleges of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, representatives of construction company “BK-Stroy”, employees of KNAUF TC. During the event were discussed the issues of attracting construction companies, equipping with tools, professional development of teaching staff, and further implementation of dual training.
Opening the event, the director of Kostanay Construction College Serikbay Kadyrov emphasized that the cooperation with such a company as KNAUF is a tool for development of the educational system as a whole and a guarantee of demand for working professions in the labor market.
“KNAUF sees its educational mission as giving students the skills to use modern building materials during active vocational training. For this we have developed training programs, which we pass on to educational institutions”, – concluded the head of the training center “Knauf Gips Kapchagai” Oleg Sotnikov.
Concluding the round table, Oleg Anatolievich thanked the management of the college and its well-coordinated teaching staff for the provided platform.
The invited guests were given a tour of the college workshops and training ground.