Continues practical stage of the competition “The best extracurricular activities”, aimed at improving the professional skills of our curators. Today the intellectual game “21 ғasyr koshbashysy” was held by the curator of the polytechnic department Keneshova Aigul Karshiganovna. This event met the content of education, defined in the “Concept of education in the continuous education system in the RK”, was distinguished by the high rate of and methodical literacy of stages of the game. Aigul Karsiganovna was able to organize intellectual activity of her students, to interest and activate the players. It is necessary to note the support of the department, represented by the head of the department, chairman of the PCC, colleagues and participants of the contest. All those present noted the high level of the event, as well as excellent preparation of the supervisor for the competition and excellent work of the students. Thanks to Aigul Karsheganovna! We wish good luck to all other contestants and keep informing you, dear subscribers, about the next contest!