On February 9, 2022 for the students of working specialties groups № 378 MCA-1, 379 MSMP-1 was organized by video conference zoom on the topic: “The essence of destructive religious organizations and their influence on the minds of young people. Forms and methods of recruitment”.
During the event the head of IRG College Musina L.M. drew attention to the fact that extremists and terrorists use religion for incitement of hatred and intolerance, manifestations of extreme aggression and religious radicalism, striving to attract young people to their ranks by all means.
The head of center for preparation of CID specialists on counteraction to extremist ideology Tuyganov M.S. paid attention to January events in RK, participation of extremist organizations’ representatives in them, danger of DRT for society, essence and signs of DRT, psychological aspects and methods of their activity, methods of youth recruitment into their ranks. He gave facts about responsibility under the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in cases of aiding religious extremists and terrorists, as well as direct participation in terrorist activity.