On the 29th of November on the threshold of the celebration of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan first-year students of the group ¹ 373 MEOSG-1 under the direction of curator Musina L.M. and head of the library Velgosha G.V. visited the event, prepared by the Regional Youth Library named after I. Alntrin. I. Altynsarin.
The business dossier “A strong leader is a successful state,” in this form, the leader of the event – the guest lecturer – Master of Arts of KRU named after A. Baitursynov Takirov Oral Mukhtarovich, told the boys in detail about the personality of Elbasy, his political and public life.
The librarian of the reading room Tikhonova Marina Fyodorovna, showing the book exhibition, introduced the children with the books devoted to the activities of the First President, as well as his scientific works.