On October 26, within the framework of the week of the PCC for the development of languages, a competition of poems “Poetry Wonderful Pages” was held among 1st year students. The organizer of the extracurricular event was the teacher of the Russian language and literature Myrzakhmet A.Zh.
The participants showed a decent reading of the works of famous poets, poetry and their own compositions were also sounded. The jury, when evaluating the competition, noted the depth of penetration into the author’s intention, the possession of the means of speech expression, the emotionality of the performance, and the artistry of the participants. The winners of the competition were: student of group 11 BҚE – 1 Serik Dastan in the nomination “Poem in the state language”, student of group 370 D – 1 Karimova Ksenia in the nomination “Poem in Russian”, student of group 370 D – 1 Pozdnisheva Alina in the nomination “Artistic performance of a poem “, student of group 11 BҚE – 1 Shayatov Nurbatyr in the nomination” Poem of his own composition “.