In the city library named after N. Ostrovsky, a book exhibition “Dalanyk dara Ustazy” is being held, dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the great Kazakh enlightener Ibrai Altynsarin. This exhibition was visited by 1st year students of the Kostanay Construction College of group 9 ҒҚSP-1, under the supervision of the curator Urazbayeva Danagul Tanzharganovna.
During the event, the librarian reviewed the exhibition of books, introduced the audience to the history of the opening of the first school for Kazakh children by I. Altynsarin in 1864, and also told about some of his works. The multifaceted and fruitful activity of Ibrai Altynsarin became a worthy contribution to the Kazakh culture, was the stage without which its further development would be impossible. And the prepared exhibition proves once again that his legacy has not lost its relevance, that it still arouses keen interest and contributes to the spiritual and moral development of our society.