As part of the celebration of the Day of Languages ​​of the People of Kazakhstan, an essay competition was held at the Kostanay Construction College on the topic “What will knowledge of three languages ​​give me in the future?” The organizers of the competition were the PCC for the development of languages ​​and the PCC of the Kazakh language and literature.
According to the results of the competition, the winners were: 1st place Mazitova Zamira, student of group 369 Arch-1; 2nd place Aralbay Құndyz, student of group 9 ҒҚSP -1; 3rd place Asan Kadyrbek, student of group 11 BҚE-1. 1st place Fast Alexandra, student of group 374 MSHP-1; 2nd place Shestopalova Mariyam, student of group 375 MOSR -1; 3rd place Sergey Romanov, student of group 379 MSMP-1 (essay in Kazakh “Bolashakta ush tildi bilu mahan not beredi”); 1st place Tilman Erika, student of group 369 Arch-1; 2nd place Shevchenko Matvey student of group 379 MSMP-1 and Irzhanova Alma student of group 371 SEZS-1; 3rd place Pavlova Julia, student of group 370 D-1 (essay in Russian “What will knowledge of three languages ​​give me in the future?”);
1st place Timur Ospanov student of group 373 MEOSG-1; 2nd place Erbol Shaizadinov student of group 10MEOSG-1; 3rd place Veronika Abdrafikova, student of group 370-D-1 (essay in English “What will knowledge of three languages ​​give me in the future?”)
Congratulations to the winners!