In the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the German Society for International Cooperation GIZ on dual training in colleges and universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in construction specialties, together with the KNAUF firm, KGKP “Kostanay Construction College” acts as a partner educational institution.
In the 2020 – 2021 academic year, a group of 25 students was formed. Normative term of study: 2 years 10 months (on the basis of general secondary education). For the full period of study, developed, agreed with the enterprise LLP “BK-STROY” and approved the Working curriculum, the Schedule of the educational process. Developed, agreed with the enterprise Work programs by modules. The content of the plan is developed taking into account the development of qualifications: 140120 2 Specialist in dry construction method, 140104 2 Plasterer, 140121 3 Construction technician. The educational process includes theoretical training and educational practice in college and industrial practice in the construction company LLP “BK-STROY”. The experimental curriculum provides for an increase in practical training to 78% of the total number of teaching hours.
After completing the full course of study, students will receive a diploma of education with the qualification 14012013 – “Construction Technician”, and certificates of professional training: 1401202 Specialist in dry construction method, 140104 2 Plasterer.