So the competition “The best curator of 2021!”, Which was held in order to popularize curatorship, as one of the main components of teaching in college, has come to an end. One representative from each branch took part in the competition. The most talented and worthy contestants were selected! The participants went through three stages: at the first stage, the participants presented their Portfolio to the jury members; at the second stage, each curator developed and conducted an open extracurricular event, and at the third stage, a model of the educational system of their group was presented. The final of the competition took place today, and the jury had a difficult task, since the performances of all the participants were bright and meaningful! The results of the competition: the certificates of the participants were received by the contestants Zhumagul Yesenalina from the department of working specialties of the construction profile and Armine Barbaryan from the Architectural department! In third place – Baktygul Konarbaeva, representing the Polytechnic Department; in second place is Guzelia Vakhabova from the department of working specialties of a technical profile; in the first place is Lyudmila Krestinina from the Technical Department, and the GRAND PRIX of the competition was won by Elena Nichubai from the Construction Department! To support the innovative activities of the curators, the Branch of ForteBank JSC in Kostanay sponsored our event, in this connection, the administration of the college expresses its deep gratitude to the head in the person of Rysbek Maratov! Many thanks to the Head of the Department of Salary Projects of the Branch – Zhanar Nashkenova, who attended the competition as an honored guest and grateful spectator! The administration of the college thanks the talented singer Bekbolat Zhazykpayev, the winner of the television project “X-Factor”, he charmed all the participants with his charismatic performance! This competition has proven that construction college students are in good hands! After all, our curators are the best !!!