Group 363 MKA-1 within the framework of the “Marathon of Good Deeds” together with the volunteer detachment “Region 10” helped Eduard Knyaginin, a motorcycle racer known throughout the USSR, to clean up the yard. It so happened that he worked with children all his life, brought up many champions in karting and motorcycle racing, and in his old age he was left alone with the dogs.
The guys dismantled the old enclosures, moved the firewood to the woodpile, and prepared it for cutting. The yard is private, there is enough work.
At 74, Eduard Alexandrovich is still very cheerful and active. He walks with a cane, there are problems with his legs, but this does not prevent him from being in society and communicating. He made a huge impression on the guys in the 363 group. Huge willpower, technical knowledge, the former greatness of the sports club – that’s all of him. We promised to come not once, because now we treat old people, so it will be in relation to us.