For the first time, on the basis of the Kostanay Construction College, the WorldSkills championship in the competence “Painting and decorative works” (Abilympics) was held, in which representatives of two colleges took part. Kostanay Construction College was represented by Anatoly Kozin and Daniil Talnikov, Arkalyk Polytechnic College was represented by Utbaev Nagashibek.
Within the framework of the Abilympics movement, competitions in professional skills are held among people with disabilities and people with disabilities, this also includes students of correctional groups. Such events are aimed at enhancing their desire for professional independence and improving their professional skills, as well as raising public perception of the professional capabilities of such children to a new level.
According to the results of the competition, the participants who won prizes were awarded with diplomas, certificates and medals. The first place and the gold medal was deservedly received by Anatoly Kozin, with a small margin in points, Daniel Talnikov became the silver medal. Utbaev Nagashibek was awarded a bronze medal.