On May 14, for first-year students of groups No. 359 Arch-1, No. 358 MEOSG-1, an event was held in the format of a video conference zoom on the topic: “Rhetoric of destructive religious organizations. Engagement Methods ”. The videoconference was held by the head of the department “Center for the Study of Religious Problems” of the Department for Religious Affairs of the Akimat of Kostanay region D. A. Disyukov. together with members of the “Youth Flying Squad”, as well as the head of the IRG College, Musina L.M.
The purpose of the event is to expand knowledge about the essence of such phenomena as destructive religious movements, carry out information and explanatory work on the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism. During the event, D.A. Disyukov. introduced the participants to the concept of destructive religious movements, their main features, methods of involving new adherents into their ranks. The members of the “Flying Squad” presented an interactive experience: the guys clearly demonstrated an example of a possible impact on a person and attracting him to their ranks. Musina L.M. In conclusion, she gave examples demonstrating how such methods of influence destroyed the fate of individual citizens.