Today, the second, practical stage of the “Best Curator 2021” competition has started at the Kostanay Construction College. It was opened by a participant from the construction department Nichubay E.V. together with students of group 357 VTiPO-1. “Childhood, scorched by war” – this was the name of the Memorial evening, which took place in the library of the first building.
The curator Elena Vladimirovna told the children who the children of war are and what hardships they had to endure. How they lived during the war years, about labor exploits in the rear, about the children of the besieged Leningrad, about how they survived the occupation and concentration camps, how they fought in the active army and in partisan detachments, about children-heroes. During the open event, those present watched video footage that told about the Great Patriotic War, about the first days of the war, about 27 million dead compatriots and 18 million people tortured in concentration camps. Students read poems about wartime to the guests of the evening, presented a scene about how the war began.
Librarians G.V. Velgosh and Bagrova N.E. presented a book trailer based on the work of Vladimir Bogomolov “Ivan”. This is a tragic and true story of a scout boy who perishes at the hands of the Germans in full consciousness of his professional duty. Also, the children were presented with a book-illustrative exhibition “Both in memory and in a book – forever”. The event was distinguished by high social, civic and ethical significance, was meaningful and emotionally rich.
It is good that in our difficult time there are people next to us who talk about those fateful years, remind us that there are eternal values ​​in the world: homeland, honor, duty, memory. The children of the war did not take an active part in hostilities, but they made a feasible contribution to the common cause of victory over the German fascist invaders. They are already gray-haired, these boys and girls who have grown up and survived the war years of the Great Patriotic War. And while these people are alive, we must learn from them about their destinies. We need it, alive now.