On May 5, a military sports festival dedicated to the 76th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the 29th anniversary of the creation of the national armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the Kostanay Construction College for first-year students. Honorary guests were invited to the jury: VOV participant Mikhail Ivanovich Podolyakov, Afghan veteran Anatoly Nikolayevich Kharchenko, head of the personnel and drill training department of the Defense Affairs Directorate of the Kostanay region, Captain Valikhan Galitovich Mukashev, instructor in NVP and military-technical schools of the Department of Defense Affairs of the Kostanay region region senior sergeant Maykhaidarov Tamirlan Bakhytovich. The holiday was organized and the teams were trained by our NVP teachers: A.I. Kozlov, A.A. Ermolenko. and Zhumabaev S.A.
All students showed a decent level of mastery of skills and abilities in the sections of the CWP, but the following platoons of groups became the best in the nominations. In the nomination “Passage by a solemn march” 1st place -359 group; 2nd place – group 8; 3rd place – group 357. In the nomination “Passage with a song” 1st place -359 group; 2nd place – group 368; 3rd place – 8th group. In the nomination “Militarized relay race on the obstacle course” 1st place -363 group; 2nd place – group 362; 3rd place – group 357. Team places were distributed as follows: 1st place -359 group; 2nd place – group 357; 3rd place – 362 and 363 groups. The best commander was student 359 of group Toleu Kazhimurat.
Congratulations to the winners!