1. Be optimistic
It is easier for an optimistic person to live and overcome difficulties. He will not even think to commit an evil act for mercantile purposes, since he is sure that there are other ways to achieve this goal.
To learn kindness, try to look at life in a more optimistic way, detaching yourself from external irritants. This will prevent you from plunging headlong into depression in a heap of piled up cases.
Start your day with gratitude: to your parents – for the life you donated, to your household – for helping you in every endeavor, classmates and the curator – for the opportunity to develop and show your skills in study. This healthy morning ritual will fill you with optimism and help you move mountains.
2. Learn to forgive
All the anger that accumulates in thoughts from some negative actions of others returns to us ourselves. This feeling gives rise to a desire for revenge, irritation, unmotivated aggression. A wise, kind person does not allow himself to be dominated by “black” emotions.
It’s time to stop being angry and irritable. Learn to forgive and let go of negative situations. This is not about turning the other cheek for the next dastardly blow of the ill-wisher. Just try to look at the situation from a slightly different angle – to draw appropriate conclusions, not to accumulate anger and resentment, and not to respond negatively. A kind person does not waste his energy on aggression, continuing to think positively.
3. Be sincere and selfless.
Insincerity is always visible. Therefore, even a good deed committed for some selfish purpose can hardly be called “real”.
Don’t seem kind. You need to become one! Good deeds done “for show” do not characterize a person from the best side. Sincere goodness must come from the heart. An unselfish person does not think what benefit a good deed will bring him. He immediately acts to help another – with advice, money, action.
4. Be generous
Generosity is one of the manifestations of human kindness. And if there is an opportunity to share with those in need, do it. Generosity is not about “giving your last” so that you can stay hungry later. You can even help with your deeds and support. A person in need will be very pleased to at least feel your participation and empathy.
5. Learn to apologize
It seems that there is nothing easier than saying “I’m sorry.” But many believe that apologizing is a sign of weakness. This is not true. Only an evil person does not apologize, but a good person will always find the right words to make amends.
Become stronger and kinder. Forget about your own pride and say “sorry” when you really need to. It doesn’t matter in what form – written or oral, personally or indirectly. It will become easier for you to know that you did the right thing.
6. Do not get involved in conflicts and do not become their cause
Why conflict if agreement can be reached peacefully? You should not waste your inner energy on evil squabbles and a showdown.
Restraint is the privilege of kind people. If you see that the interlocutor, despite well-reasoned arguments, does not accept your point of view, refrain from high-pitched insults and accusations. Better to end the conflict. This is not a sign of weakness! You simply save yourself from communicating with an “impenetrable”, aggressive personality. Take this fact for granted and move on.
And of course, you should not become the cause of conflicts in the group. Do not “breed” gossip and do not do things that can knowingly lead to a serious quarrel. To become better and kinder, you need to find a way to self-actualize and start doing what gives you real joy. If you understand that the current activity brings nothing but constant anger and irritation, you should try to find yourself in something else. Negative beliefs and attitudes take away from us a sense of strength and opportunity, in such a state it is more difficult to be kind. Reckless actions, an angry attitude towards others – all this is often bad habits and an established pattern of behavior that only complicate our life.