Kindness is not found on any counter in the store. But this quality can be developed in each of us. Find the answer to the question “How to become a kind person?” the recommendations of a psychologist will help:
1. It all starts with a smile
Kindness and benevolence begin with a smile. This is the very beacon that sets up the interlocutor for positive communication. Smile often. And it doesn’t matter who it is – a colleague, a conductor on a bus, a shop assistant. A smile will give you strength and self-confidence as well.
2. Develop empathy skills
Empathy is a personality trait that is characteristic only of a kind person. He will always find both the time and the strength to listen to the interlocutor and at least support him with a sincere conversation.
Develop empathy skills, remembering that goodness will return. Learn to read other people’s emotions and express your sympathy with the words “I understand you”, “I understand your feelings.” Perhaps you will do it mechanically at first. But very soon you will begin to feel that you really understand the interlocutor.
3. Extinguish your irritation
Do you really want to say something sharp and insulting to the statement of the interlocutor? Become kinder and calmer. Try to notice and work through negative emotions in yourself. Try to understand what exactly pushed the person to a thoughtless phrase – anger, momentary irritation, or maybe an unsuccessful day. Look at the whole situation from the outside, as if you were sitting in a movie theater. This will help reduce the degree of irritation and respond more kindly. Perhaps the interlocutor did not want to harm you and somehow offend you.
4. Show attention to loved ones
A person – even someone who can be called kind – often forgets to be considerate of those close to him. There is also a category of people who are charming for a distant circle, and for their relatives – an eternally busy person. The temptation to be kind in the eyes of others is very great, because this is a chance to become more significant, to get some kind of social status. But to support parents, a child is much more difficult, it may not have enough time and energy.
Prioritize correctly and make time for loved ones every day. Solve common problems, show attention and care. Even if the day turned out to be not the easiest, in the evening refrain from reproaches and unproductive criticism, petty quarrels over trifles. This is where kindness begins.
5. Give communicative “gifts” to those around you
It’s so easy to compliment a colleague, say hello to a salesperson at the checkout, or say “thank you” to your family for a carefully prepared dinner. But even this is somehow forgotten in a series of endless affairs. Train the muscle of kindness by making it a rule for yourself to give communicative gifts every day – say hello, thank you, give compliments. In response to politeness and kindness, you can see the whole palette of emotions on the face of the interlocutor. It charges with positive energy.