On February 12, in the assembly hall of the Kostanay Construction College, the results of the first in the history of the region “KSK FastCUP” cybersport tournament in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive discipline, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of technical and professional education of the Kostanay region, were summed up. The tournament was attended by 18 teams from colleges in the region, one team from each college.
The teams consisted of five athletes. All games, including the final, were broadcast on social networks. The final championship was held with the participation of one of the top Kazakhstani commentators in this discipline, Nurlan Tsunami Abaev.
The tournament started on February 1 this year. All games, except for the final ones, were held in the “Best of 1” format (until the first victory). The final battles were held on February 11 in the “Best of 3” format (up to two victories).
The main goal of the tournament was the development of e-sports in the region, attracting students to e-sports for the organization of active leisure, as well as promoting the formation and education of a team spirit, which is important in the professional and socio-cultural terms.
This tournament was supported by the Anti-Corruption Service of the Kostanay region. “The tournament is being held within the framework of the Sanaly Urpak project,” commented Daniyar Smagulov, First Deputy Head of the Regional Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency, “Cybersport in Kazakhstan and in the world is one of the most promising and fast-growing industries. It has been suggested more than once to be included in the Olympic program. It helps to develop team spirit, reaction and strategic thinking. Note that, as in life, tricks and so-called “cheating” are not encouraged in e-sports. Through the competitive and playful elements, the guys in practice comprehend the very principles of honesty and self-improvement that we are adults talking about. ”
According to the results of the tournament, the first place was taken by the “AYAZ” team of the Kostanay Construction College, the second – by the team of the Kostanay Humanitarian College called “Rival”, the third – by the students of the Kostanay Higher Medical College, the “Ping Devils” team. The Cup, established by the Anti-Corruption Service, “Best Player of the Tournament” (MVP) was awarded to the team captain of the Kostanay Construction College, Tamerlan Nurmanov.
From now on, such events will be held on an ongoing basis. Now we are planning to hold a March contest with the invitation of teams from higher educational institutions.
Kostanay Construction College expresses gratitude to all participants of the tournament, event sponsors, Kostanay Higher Polytechnic College for the medals given to the winners.
More details can be found on our social networks at vk.com/cyber_ksk.