From February 1 to February 6, 2021, the college hosted a week of the Kazakh language and literature “Bilimdi Urpak – El Bolashaky” in an online format.
The purpose of the event: to explain to students the scope of the state language, to popularize the status and meaning of the Kazakh language. During the week, subject teachers prepared and showed their open lessons and extracurricular activities: Esenalina Zhumakul Tokushevna – G. Mustafina “City of Miners of Karaganda”, “Karaganda Roman”, Shagataeva Roza Shatenovna “Safety Rules” 353 Wtpo-2, Keneshova Aigul Karshygakovna, Zharken Bodeshovich – “The only poem” with group 8 ҒҚSP-1, Nazkeeva Aliya Tokushevna with group 363 MKA-1, Moldataeva Ainur Seydualievna – program “Zhasyl el” with group 359 arch-1, Kushegalina Aigul Manapovna “Social structure of society. What do you know about a social problem? “An open lesson was held with the group 358 MEOSG-1. The students showed all their knowledge of the Kazakh language and literature. Distinguished by their knowledge: Zhaksylykova Aruzhan, Kazhigaparov Diyar, Serik Zhaslan, Umirbekova Tomiris, Musaev Serik, Sermaganbetov Niyaz, Savin Yegor, Tole Kazhymurat, Seydalinova Aliya, Shamin Danil, Povetyeva Violetta Tuyakov Zhaskanil, Malyshevantov , Akhmetov Zhaslan, Kazyanin Nikolay, Kayaf Kirill, Kempirov David, Kussainov Diaz. Also, extracurricular activities organized by teachers on the following topics were held: Moldataeva Ainur Seydualievna, Shagataeva Roza Shatenovna held a competition “Resourceful friends”. The following guys were active: Tokhtar Zhannet, Nurgaliev Bagdat, Samuratova Aizhan. Another event was the literary evening “Call of the Kazakh Sahara” dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Ibrai Altynsarin, the organizers of which were Esenalina Zhumakul Tokushevna, Nazkeeva Aliya Tokushevna. Teachers of the Kazakh language and literature, using various methods and techniques, paid attention to the mastery of the state language by students, showed interest in the subject, showed curiosity.