Time magazine named 2020 the worst year in history.
The main word of 2020 is “lockdown”.
There were many difficulties, but we are not discouraged, and we do not advise you. 2020 has given us so many skills that we are ready to break into 2021 without fear or doubt!
We asked what you learned during this year, and you told us so much that we were convinced again that real superheroes study and teach at KSK! Catch the top best students and teachers of 2020!- student of 341 VTiPO Denis Teslenko entered the republican project “TOP 100 best college students of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
– 343 ARCH-3 student Valeria Batchenko, winner of the Student of the Year competition in the Sportsman of the Year nomination;
– student 4 GKSP-4 Omar Murat winner of the competition “Student of the Year” in the nomination “Working pride”;
– student 348 SZES2 Abdulova Valeria-Kaleria, winner of the Miss Intellect nomination in the Miss Students 2020 beauty contest;- 341 VTiPO student Ruslan Sadykov took 1st place in the “Art-Point” animation competition, in honor of which the organizer of the competition KRU issued a full grant for studying at their university in any specialty;
– student 329 Arkh4 Bychkovskaya Yuliana, 1st degree diploma, XIV All-Russian open competition of research, inventive and creative works of students with international participation “National Heritage of Russia” (supervisor Lovyagina TV);- second-year students of the specialty “Construction and operation of buildings and structures” group 348 Ivanov Alexander and Kasyanenko Pavel took part in the International scientific-practical online conference “Science. Education. Youth “, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great thinker, philosopher, educator Abai Kunanbayev. According to the results of the conference, they were awarded a diploma for the 1st place;
– Prize-winners of the regional online competition “Students’ view of the environment through the prism of their specialty” (Start-up called “Waste Management System” SMART TRASH “). Scientific supervisor of the project Blazhko KS, students Sheludko D., Lopatin V., Pak A .;- Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of the Kostanay Construction College Ternovaya Olga Valerievna was awarded the badge “Bilim take isinin rmetti Kyzmetkeri”;
– teacher of special disciplines Smoleva N.V. 1st place in the International Scientific and Practical Online Conference “Science. Education. Youth “dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great thinker, philosopher, educator Abai Kunanbayev in the section on the topic” Intellectualization and digitalization of industrial and educational activities “;- winner of the Republican competition “Uzdik teacher – 2020” teacher of special disciplines and English language Erdenova Lyazat Nasibulovna;
– winners of the regional competition “Pedagogical Tandem” teachers Lyubov Sergeevna Inzheeva and Evgeny Sergeevich Penkin;- winners of the regional competition “Mentor + Young Master = Team” among the masters of industrial training of technical and vocational education organizations of the Kostanay region; masters of industrial training Abitaeva A.S., Biryuk E.A.
So, we have done a great job together in the past year. Let’s fill the New Year with interesting deeds, beautiful thoughts and worthy projects.