The methodological office of technical and vocational education of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay region summed up the results of the regional competition “Pedagogical tandem”. The purpose of which was to identify new methodological approaches in organizing work with young teachers of organizations of technical and vocational education, to popularize tutoring in educational organizations, aimed at updating the content of education and improving its quality.
Experienced teachers – mentors and young teachers of organizations of technical and vocational education of Kostanay region became participants of the Competition.
By the decision of the jury, the teachers of the Kostanay Construction College Lyubov Sergeevna Inzheeva and Evgeny Sergeevich Penkin were recognized as winners of the Competition.
Congratulations on winning the competition! Once again, proof that patience and work will grind everything, and in this case they will achieve an excellent result!