November 20. 2020 law teacher velgosha G. V. and librarian Bagrova N. E. conducted an online legal excursion”From the laws of Hammurabi to modern legislation”.
The event was attended by students of group № 23 MCA-3, curator Akhtakhanov R. H. group № 15 EGS-2, curator Galeev K. K., group № 24 MSTO-3, curator Zhumabaev S. A.
The purpose of this event is to show the role of law in the life of society at various stages of its development, to raise the level of legal culture of students. Individuals with this culture have a higher degree of knowledge and understanding of legal phenomena, as well as professional behavior.
The event began with a historical excursion, the children got acquainted with the history of the origin and development of law and legal norms, learned interesting facts about the ancient laws of the Babylonian king Hammurabi, the Law of the XII tables of Ancient Rome. They learned how statehood and law were formed among the Kazakh people, got acquainted with the code of laws of the Kazakh khanate “Zheti Zhargy”.
Then the students were asked to test their level of legal knowledge in a game form, in the form of a quiz. the children actively and passionately answered questions related to legal terminology, the history of law, and even fairy-tale characters.
We hope that the children liked the form of this event, and they added to their baggage of legal terms.