For the second year in a row the Republican competition of young artists “Zhas tolkyn. This year young artists from other regions took part in it: Nur-Sultan, Aktobe, Uralsk, Karaganda, Almaty, Taraz, Shymkent. Our region is represented by authors from Kostanay, Rudny, Lisakovsk, Zhitikara, Arkalyk, Karabalyk, Fedorovsky, Sarykol and Kostanay districts and other districts of the region. The winners were selected in four nominations: graphics, painting, arts and crafts and sculpture. The best works were selected by a jury consisting of renowned artists and sculptors.Students of Kostanay Construction College under the guidance of teachers of special disciplines Badazhkova L.V. and Burbaeva D.S. took an active part in the competition, presenting 9 works in various genres to the audience and the jury,A pleasant and expected result was brought by the work of our student Saltanat Karabasova, who in the “Painting” nomination won a 3rd degree Diploma and a cash prize of 40 thousand tenge. This work under the title “Eastern motives” Saltanat performed under the guidance of the teacher Badazhkova L.V. More than 100 people applied for participation, 67 works were exhibited to the audience.Karabasova Saltanat, this year having successfully completed her studies at the college in the specialty “Design”, entered the KAZAKH NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ARTS named after T.K. Zhurgenov, Almaty, specializing in Interior Design. We wish Saltanat continued success and a great creative path!