On October 8, 2020, an online broadcast of a solemn meeting was held with the participation of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askhat Aimagambetov, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the system of technical and vocational education.
During the event, he announced that, starting this academic year, college teachers will improve their qualifications and receive additional payments from 30 to 50 percent of the official salary after being awarded a qualification category. Thanks to the support of the head of state, the salary of college teachers has been increased since January this year, and it will continue to increase in subsequent years. In turn, directors and deputy directors of colleges will also receive additional payments depending on the performance of up to 100% of their salary. This will stimulate an increase in the efficiency of our colleagues, “the minister emphasized. He recalled that the republican project” Jasmaman “is being implemented to modernize colleges in the 100 most demanded professions and introduce international experience in training qualified specialists. Aimagambetov said that on the initiative of a group of deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a draft law is being considered, within the framework of which it is planned to amend the legislation in terms of granting academic freedom to colleges to flexibly respond to the demands of the labor market and employers. The introduction of an admission mechanism based on the “Money for the student” principle will increase the competitiveness of the college itself and the competition between colleges. The introduction of an admission mechanism based on the “Money for the student” principle will increase the competitiveness of the college itself and the competition between colleges. If now the regional education departments are holding a competition and determine how many places a particular college will receive within the framework of the state educational order, then in the future this decision will be made by students. Students by their choice of college will determine which colleges are more competitive and provide the best education, “the Minister of Education said.