Today, on June 19, 2020, KSK held the defense of the diploma project for students in the specialty “Design”. For four years of training, the group 320 D-4, received a large amount of knowledge in the field of interior design, exterior, painting, sculpture and architecture. In their projects, the guys easily implemented all their knowledge and skills, as well as the protection of the entire group was easy.
There were three topics for the defense – “Decorative design of the dormitory hall in relief” project Manager teacher of special disciplines Badazhkova L. V. ” Small architectural forms. Mosaics”, head of A.V. Zakharchenkov, artist, member of the Union of artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, teacher. And the third thematic project was carried out in the framework of cooperation and early career guidance with the school of the city, namely, the children had a special order for the design of the project and the design of the geography room for secondary school No. 19. Kostanai.
Famous artists of our city, members of the Union of artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Goncharov N. V., Shalunova S. V., designer, design Studio O. Novitskaya, Director of secondary school No. 19 shagabutdinova N. S., Deputy Director for OIA Toizhanova D. Zh.were invited to defend the projects.
The work of students and project managers was highly appreciated by our customers from school # 19, Natalia Serafimovna expressed her gratitude for the work done and presented letters of Thanks on behalf of the staff and the school administration.
All works were deservedly evaluated and received ratings of “5” and ” 4».