The 2019-2020 academic year for Kostanay Construction College was remembered by a kaleidoscope of bright events and crushing successes of our teachers and students

  • In 2020, nao “Talap” conducted a rating of colleges in the country based on the results of the 2018-2019 academic year to assess the performance of colleges in Kazakhstan. 214 colleges applied to participate in the ranking. Kostanay construction College entered the top 10, taking 9th place!!!
  • Dinara Seichanova, a teacher of information and computing disciplines, became the winner of the most authoritative teacher competition “Best teacher 2019” and was awarded the National award of the best teachers of Kazakhstan.
  • Gulnara Serikovna Inertbaeva, Deputy Director for educational work, and E. V. Nichubai, teacher of social disciplines, were awarded letters of thanks from the Ministry of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Yerdenova Lyazat Nasibulovna won the regional stage of the Republican competition of video lessons and video lectures ” Panorama of pedagogical ideas “in the category”Teachers of special disciplines”. In addition, Lyazzat Nasibulovna, according to the results of the 1st stage of the regional competition “Best teacher – 2020”, was nominated to participate in the second stage.
  • Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Kushegalina Aigul Manapovna took 1st place in the I Republican Olympiad named after I. Altynsarin, organized by the “Bilim Orkeniety” NATIONAL innovation research center in Nur-Sultan.
  • An important achievement is the victory of the master of industrial training Soshkin Andrey Viktorovich, he was recognized as the “Best master of 2019” in the Kostanay region.
  • Salkenova Meruert Kadulayevna became the winner of the regional competition ” Best IT teacher-2020»
  • 4th year student, winner of the Golden book of youth Ryumin Maxim became the winner of the International competition ” IT-planet “in the categories” Unlimited opportunities “(2nd place),” Robofabrika ” (3rd place) in Moscow. Maxim also entered the top of the Republican project “100 new faces of Kazakhstan”, which became the winner in the category “Science and education”.
  • Ivan Alexandrov took part in the Republican championship “World Skills-2019” on the competence “Dry method of construction and plastering” and took 2nd place. The competition consisted of 4 modules: construction Assembly, putty, installation of plaster moldings and 4 “freestyle” (artistic work in which participants had to show their imagination and ingenuity).
  • Omar Murat was awarded a certificate of commendation for the 4th place in the competence of “Mason”, a certificate of participation in the Republican contest ” WorldskiLLs Kazakhstan 2019»
  • Bychkovskaya Juliana was awarded a Diploma of the 1st degree, the XIV all-Russian open competition of research, inventive and creative works of students with international participation “National heritage of Russia” (regional stage), section “Construction and rationalization” 28.02.20. The national system of development of scientific, creative and innovative activities of Russian youth “Integration” BPOU “Omsk ATK” (head Lovyagin T. V.) and the Diploma of the winner of the extramural round of the XIV all-Russian competition achievements of talented youth “National property of Russia”, the direction “Technology, technical creativity” Omsk avtotransportny College. (head Lovyagina T. V.) № 016382
  • Kaliyeva Ayagoz was awarded a Diploma of the first degree, participation in the Republican remote competition “Stages of success”, the title of the work: environmental fairy tale “the fairu of the 21st century “Helping planet Earth”. 12.11.2019 G. (head Salmagambetova S. S.)
  • Sadykov Ruslan took 1st place in the city competition of animated videos “ArtPoint”
  • On may 15, 2020, the last stage of the regional festival of multimedia projects of students was completed.

As a result of the competition, our students won the following prizes:

– 1st place – project” Game engine “Ilya Sotnikov in the category “Visual programming”. Head: Mamedova M. I.

– 3rd place – “Cloud service” Nikita Solokhin in the category “Visual programming”. Head: Mamedova M. I.;

– 1st place – project “Paints of good” Denis Teslenko, Alexander Stepanchenko. Head: P. N. Grebtsov

  • The team of the military industrial complex “TYPHOON” also pleases us with its success throughout the year. In autumn, as part of the national team of Kostanay region, students of the military industrial complex took part in national competitions. Kostanay region took the 2nd overall place among 6 regions of Kazakhstan. All cadets of our club won prizes in the individual competition.

Athletes of our College do not lag behind, and make their own contributions to the piggy Bank of victories:

  • A student of group 342 MEOSG-2, Kinzhebayev Alisher took part in the Republican grappling tournament, from where he returned with gold.
  • Physical education teacher Moldrakhmetov Nauryzbek Asylbekovich became the champion of the region in Sambo!
  • The national team of our College in streetball took the 3rd place among all the colleges in the city! Student of group 343 ARH-2, Bisembayev Eskendir became the best point guard of the tournament
  • We are proud of our Batchenko Valeria joined the team of Kazakhstan in skiing at the III winter youth Olympic games in Lausanne (Switzerland), in addition to Valery became the winner of the RK Championship on ski races among boys and girls and most importantly was awarded the title of Master of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan!
  • In January, another of our students, Alexey Egorov, was awarded the title of master of sports, and not for nothing, because Alexey took part in the speed skating Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the results of the competitions, which were held for several days, Alexey managed to show excellent results: to win a silver medal in the individual competition and climb to the 1st step of the podium together with the national team of Kostanay region! Alexey Yegorov also won the second place in the open regional speed skating tournament for the prizes of the founder of speed skating of the Kostanay region, honored coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan Peter Darmaev.
  • In March, the teacher of Sharafutdinov A. took part in competitions in the summer poliatlonu indoors. The competition took into account such skills as shooting, running at a speed of 60m, swimming at 100m. and the 2000m cross. At the end of the competition, Artem Olegovich took 2nd place.

College activists also delight us with their achievements, as well as do not get tired of holding large-scale and bright events for College students.

  • Seven students Yegor Gubenko, Ilya Lugovskikh, Dmitry Kostyukevich, Ariana Sharipova, Rustam Elekeshev, Denis Teslenko and Danil Panchenko became participants of the Republican project to strengthen the work of youth movements in the regions.
  • Three more activists-Alexander Stepanchenko, Aidana Amanzhulova and Umirzak Anuar took part in the jubilee – fifth season of the Regional project “school of leaders”, where they held master classes, trainings, meetings with youth leaders, creative platforms and got a lot of new acquaintances, a huge baggage of knowledge and skills that they were able to share with other College students.
  • Student of the group 342 MEOSG-2 Gubenko Egor, as part of the folk dance ensemble “Kostanay dawns”, performed at the concert “Tauelsizdik tugyrym” in Nur-Sultan. The concert dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was attended by the First President of the Republic – N. A. Nazarbayev and the current President-K. K. Tokayev
  • The volunteer organization of our College “Kraski Dobra” has done a great job. The guys themselves developed a project called “Holiday for everyone”. For three months, the team of “fairy-tale heroes” gave children a real holiday. on New year’s eve, volunteers pleased hundreds of children from large and low-income families, as well as children who found themselves in difficult situations.
  • Students of the College have developed and implemented 7 social projects. Group 5 SEZS-2 presented a project- “Providing social assistance to pensioners”, group 356 D-1 implemented the project “Installation of a specialized container for collecting plastic”, students of the Architectural Department presented paintings to orphanages and institutions of permanent residence, group 355 ARH-1 provided assistance to the animal shelter “Zoopuls”, students of group 341 Vtipo-2 installed a cash collection box in the hall of the 1st floor of the College to help the shelter”Zoopuls”.
  • Our volunteers take an active part in city actions, such as the action “BIZ birgemiz” together with the IDC CO. The campaign implies assistance in cleaning the private yards of single pensioners, veterans of the second world war and the disabled. College students also regularly participate in the “donor Day” campaign.

Kostanay construction College is proud of the success and achievements of each student and teacher. Even the smallest victory will always remain in the history of the College, and we will always be happy with the success of those who glorify the name of Kostanay construction College!