Salkenova Meruert Kabdullaevna came to Kostanay construction College out of production for several years in an advertising Agency. From the first days Meruert Kabdullaevna showed himself a promising, purposeful, creative teacher. The young specialist prepares the winners of the Worldskills regional championship Kostanay-2019, in the competence of “Graphic design”. Meruert Kabdullaevna created an educational YouTube channel, which successfully conducts educational activities for the students. Currently, this direction is a promising innovation.
Modernization of the education system in Kazakhstan, the state program “Digital Kazakhstan”, the requirements of the century of modern technologies pose new challenges for teachers of technical and vocational education organizations: the introduction of modern information and communication technologies that allow to form practical skills that stimulate independent work of students. In this regard, the role of a teacher who owns advanced innovative technologies and is able to teach a student to learn increases. The competition “IT-teacher 2020” is focused on significant modern trends in the system of vocational education, as well as on identifying and spreading innovative experience of teachers. As a result, at the end of this contest Meruert Kabdullaevna took 1st place.
We wish the young teacher joy from our hard work and every success in life, so that they always achieve the highest results in everything and never know disappointment!