“Only together with parents, by common efforts, teachers can give children great human happiness.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

A parent meeting is not just a form of communication between the family and the college, it is a place for receiving important pedagogical information, a platform for promoting the best work experience and relationships with children. In our Kostanai Construction College, under the leadership of the Deputy Director for Educational Work, Inertbaeva Gulnara Serikovna, parent-teacher meetings were held online. The agenda included such important issues as: Organization of the educational process in the DOT mode – the heads of departments familiarized the results of the interim certification of students. With the message “On the safety of children during an emergency. On the responsibility of legal representatives for the upbringing of minor children, ”said A.Zh. Kuntazina, district inspector for minors of the Southern police department of the city police department of Kostanay Given the current situation, the psychologist of the college Smirnova V.V. gave parents recommendations on how to organize the day regime of a student in distance learning. In her speech, she emphasized that, in the distance learning mode, parents need to help the student draw up a daily routine and then strictly monitor its observance, as this is the only way to avoid idle “doing nothing”, which always entails depressive moods. An exemplary regimen of the day proposed by a teacher-psychologist for a teenager in the period of distance learning can be as follows:

– exercises, physical exercises, warm-ups between classes, healthy eating

– Mandatory help at home, participation in family affairs;

-learning activities: classes and homework;

– family communication: conversations, reading books with discussion, board games, designing, drawing, watching films together, etc .;

– leisure / personal time;

– a dream.

Also, the psychologist focused the attention of parents on the fact that the period of forced “self-isolation” can be used as a great opportunity to establish close contact and understanding with their children. The main condition for this is for parents not to self-alleviate from the problems of their child, leaving him to overcome such a difficult period. Parents need to take responsibility for the psychological and physical condition of their child during this period and daily analyze the situation. This is the only way to use the period of “self-isolation” for the benefit of your child and your family.

Distance learning, of course, causes certain difficulties for teachers, but it does not stop close communication with parents, finding a new format of interaction.

Біз біргеміз – We are together!