In order to improve the level of training participants on International Standards WorldSkills from 11 to 20 February at the Kostanai stritelnom College held vnturikolledzhny stage of the competition of professional skills WorldSkills Kostanay -2020 , which took place on 8 competencies:

– Web design ;         

– Network and system administration ;         

– Graphic design ;         

– IT solutions for business ;         

– Visual merchandising ( presentation );         

– Dry construction and plastering;         

– brick masonry ;         

– Painting and decorative work .         

The competition was attended by 13 students. Competitive tasks for private participants were developed on the basis of past national and world championships . For each competency, the competition lasted 2 days.

For the first time this year, the college will become the regional venue for the new presentation competency “ In and Visual Merchandising in Trinistic ”.

Visual merchandising is a technique aimed at stimulating the sale of goods through the tools of competent presentation of goods in retail trade organizations with the help of specially trained personnel.

The competency “Visual Merchandising and Showcase ” provides for the possession of skills in the compositional features of the interior and color combinations. These skills are contained in the educational programs of the specialty “Design (by profile)”. The main expert is a teacher of special disciplines Sherbina Svetlana Vladmirovna . In this competence, students of c. 344 D-2 Safonova E Lizaveta and Borodaev A fox .

In accordance with the assignment, the participants in the competition had to make a showcase of honey products .

For the evaluation of participants of experts composed of representatives of the architectural department, as well as independent expert ‘s ” With tudii Design Olga Novitsky.” According to the results of the competition, the participants scored the following points :

Borisaeva Alisa – 100 points out of 100,

Elizaveta Safonova – 96.56 out of 100.             

Another new competency this year is the competence “ Painting and decorative work” , in which three students took part in the qualification “Master of finishing construction work”: Alina Nesterovskaya Anna Votchal and Vladimir Shchedrin.

The competition task consisted of five modules:

1. Start of work. TB, Acceptance of the facility and MTB, preparation of the place and material.

2. Preparation and painting of the door and molding .

3. Wallpapering the surface.

4. Sticker and stencil painting.

5. Surface decoration.

Within two days, the contestants learned to organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality, make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and bear responsibility for them.

According to the results of 2 days, the participants showed the following results:

column 28 MOSR-2 Shchedrin Vladimir – 86.5 points – 1 place;

gr. 18 MOSR-1 Nesterovskaya Alina – 82.5 points – 2nd place;

column 18 MOSR-1 Anna Votchal – 73.9 points – 3rd place.

The competence of the ” Count matic design ” n rinyali part Klimus Batyr , a student of 3rd course of c . 329 ARH3 and Zakharov Leo , a student of 2nd course c . 343 ARCH2 . Experts-compatriots – Sadykova A jerim Zhanbolatovna and Yakovleva Nadezhda Aleksandro in .

The participants were given the task to develop a concept for the production of sausages ” from Rozumovich ” adhering to the rules and tasks of competence.

Independent experts , the director of the company Color SV LLP Savochkin Viktor Alekseyevich and the director of FE Tanzia Kim Svetlana Yuryevna, who noted the high level of students ‘training, were invited to evaluate the participants’ work .

According to the results of evaluating the work, the experts did not determine the winner , as the students scored the same number of points and offered to hold another final competition in these competencies.

 The competence of the ” Web Design ” , etc. inyal part 3 rd year student group 335 VTiPO 3 Tyrtychko Roman. As a result am 2 days were performed student 60 points out of 100 from competing tasks.

Competences’ IT – Solutions for Business ” took a part student gr. 335 In TI PO 3 – Latkina Elizabeth . Expert Compriot Salkenova Meruert Kabdollaevna . The overall readiness for assignments is 90 points out of 100 .

The competence ” Network and System Administration ” was attended by Kravchuk Kirill, student gr. 341. Expert-compatriot Muhammad rahimov EB

The total readiness was 71 points out of 100 .

 The competence of the ” Brick to adka » attended a student ‘s t. 4ҒҚSP-3 Omar М ұрат gr.334K-3 Belyanin N ikita , gr. 349K-1 Pinchuk A rtem . The main e kspert : Raimkulov A dylbek With Ertaevich , compatriots, experts, industrial training masters Penquin E vgeny Sergeyevich Bisekeev A set X asenovich .

According to the results, the participants showed the following results :

Omar Murat – 96.34 points

Nikita Belyanin – 94.92 points

Artyom Pinchuk – 66.98 points.

 In the competence of ” dry construction and plastering work ” was attended by the student ‘s gr.339 SM-2 and Karpov lya , Tarasevich D Aniela Kacheganov M adi . Chief expert, master of industrial training Soshkin A HDPE In iktorovich , experts, compatriots master of industrial training Tsybanenko With ergey Nikolaevich, senior master of industrial training Olenberg In iktor Ivanovich.

Following the results of the participants showed a trail of th Suitable results :

Daniel Tarasevich – 64.32

Madi Kacheganov – 62.66

Ilya Karpov – 50.01 .

 Now before children waiting for the regional championship WorldSkills Kostanay -2020 , which will be held from 6 to 10 April 2020 . We wish all the guys good luck and victory !