On February 18, 2020, as part of the program “rukhani zhangyru” – “Kitap – Bilim bulagi”, first-year students of group No. 350 CM-1, curator simikina T. N., under the guidance of librarian Bagrova N. E., attended the event-bibliourok ” Virtual worlds or, Beware of civilization!”prepared by the Regional youth library. I. Altynsarina.
The purpose of the event is to expand the understanding of the rules of personal security on the Internet, familiarity with the concepts of virtual world, fake, messenger.
Leading the event, librarian-bibliographer Elena Kharitonova told students about the history of the concept of fake (fake – falsification), fake news, how to check the authenticity of fake news and compliance with the rules of personal Internet security in social networks. Bibliotek was accompanied by a presentation and video clips.
With interest, the children performed tasks of the librarian, answered questions and gave examples from their life experience.
The students liked the event very much. I think they will come to the library for books more than once.