Strengthening the rule of law largely depends on the legal consciousness of the population, on the correct understanding of each citizen of their rights and freedoms, the ability to use them, on the willingness to perform their duties, and always act in accordance with the law. Therefore, in the period from 10.02 to 15.02.20, the Kostanay construction College held a week of legal knowledge.

The events held within the framework of the week of legal knowledge were prepared and organized in order to increase the level of legal knowledge of students, form ideas about modern legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and are aimed at fostering a legal culture and a sense of civic responsibility.

The opening of the week took place on February 10, 2020 in the foyer of the College, in the information kiosk the presentation “the Law about me”was shown. Students and teachers were provided with information about the main legal terms.

On February 11, the reading room of the College library presented the book exhibition “Journey through the land of law”.

The presentation of the book exhibition was attended by first – year students

During the bibliographic review, the librarian of the College Bagrova N. E. introduced students to legal literature from the library’s collection, and the teacher of law Velgosha G. V. told students about the main branches of law and changes made to the Code of administrative offences in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On 11.02.2020, a round table on the topic “Teenagers and the law”was organized in Kostanay construction College as part of the week of legal knowledge.

The purpose of this event was the prevention of offenses among young people; promotion of legal knowledge; formation of legal culture and legal awareness of students, as well as education of responsibility to society. The event was attended by students of the Construction Department of groups: 350 CM-1, 349 K-1, 339 CM-2, 340 SEZS-2, 348 SEZS-1, 347 SEZS-1.

Sergey Korneychuk, associate Professor of the Department of administrative Affairs of the KOSTANAY Academy of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was invited to participate in the event. Sh. Kabylbayeva, Lieutenant Colonel of justice, one of the best experts in the CIS countries in the prevention and prevention of domestic violence.

Sergey Vasilyevich introduced students to the changes that were made to the code of administrative offences of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a very accessible and fascinating way.

Students actively asked questions to Sergey Vasilyevich, were interested in the legislation of other countries, the rights of minors during administrative detention procedures.

A memo “Administrative responsibility of minors”was prepared for the participants of the event.

On February 12, 2020, the Technical Department held a presentation contest on the topic: “Citizen and corruption”. the contest was attended by first and second year students of the Technical and Architectural departments.  Prepared and conducted the contest teacher of information disciplines Salkhanova Meruert Kabdullaevna.

The competition was held in order to form students ‘ anti-corruption consciousness and civic position, focused on the rejection of corruption as a social phenomenon of the state and society, and to stimulate creative and social activities of students and teachers, aimed at studying the problems of combating corruption.

The works were performed by the participants both individually and collectively. They revealed problematic issues that affect both one person and the state as a whole, and provided static data on corruption, interesting facts from history, and solutions to reduce corruption.

According to the results of the competition, the 1st place was taken by Seragambetov Niyaz, the 2nd place was taken by Metaxas Nikita, and Musaev Serik closes the top three. It is worth noting that all winners are students of the 353 computing and software-1. First-year programmers in this competition defended 6 works out of 11 submitted, so we are pleased not only with the number, but also the quality of presentations and the ability to Express their thoughts. The winners were awarded certificates at the College’s General College line-up.

On February 13, 2020, a round table was organized and held in the Assembly hall of the Kostanay construction College ( building # 2): “from misdemeanor to crime – one step”.

The purpose of this event: prevention of offenses among young people; promotion of legal knowledge; formation of legal culture and legal awareness of students, as well as education of a firm civil position, zero tolerance for offenses. The event was attended by students of 1 and 2 courses of the Department of construction and technical specialties-90 students.

The judge of the specialized inter – district court for minors of the Kostanay region-Kaztaev Myltykbay Kabievich was invited to participate in the event.

Kaztayev MultiBay Kavievich gave examples from his forensic practice, highlighted the issues of criminal liability of minors.

Students actively asked questions to the judge, were interested in the changes that were made to the criminal law, as well as the specifics of applying the norms of the criminal law in relation to juvenile offenders.

Myltykbay Kabievich gave statistical data on criminal offenses and crimes committed by minors, citing examples from his judicial practice, he thus warned students against committing offenses.

On February 22, 2019, a single preventive hour “Do not harm yourself”will be held. The goals and objectives of the curator’s hour are to develop students ‘ moral and legal conviction, law-abiding behavior, and the foundations of tolerance, and to contribute to improving the legal culture and literacy of students, which contributes to the formation of a firm civil position.

A single curatorial hour will be held among students of 1-3 courses.

As a result of the week of legal knowledge, students expanded their knowledge of the basic rights and obligations of minors, expanded their understanding of legal responsibility for committing offenses, and learned to apply their knowledge to solving practical legal problems. We hope that students will be able to apply their knowledge correctly in case of real life situations.

I would like to thank the following students for their active participation in the week of legal knowledge: Niyaz Sermagambetov, Nikita Metaxas, Serik Musaev ( group # 353 Vtipo-1), as well as teachers and staff of the College: Salkenova M. K., Kushegalina a.m., librarians Bagrova N.E., Burenko S. V., lawyer Aimurzinov K. S.