Today, the technical Department of the week of legal knowledge held a presentation contest on the topic “Corruption and the citizen”, which was attended by students of 1-2 courses of Technical and Architectural departments.
The competition was held in order to form students ‘ anti-corruption consciousness and civic position, focused on the rejection of corruption as a social phenomenon of the state and society, and to stimulate creative and social activities of students and teachers, aimed at studying the problems of combating corruption.
The works were performed by the participants both individually and collectively. They revealed problematic issues that affect both one person and the state as a whole, and provided static data on corruption, interesting facts from history, and solutions to reduce corruption.
According to the results of the competition, the 1st place was taken by Seragambetov Niyaz, the 2nd place was taken by Metaxas Nikita, and Musaev Serik closes the top three. It is worth noting that all winners are students of the 353 computing and software-1. First-year programmers in this competition defended 6 works out of 11 submitted, so we are pleased not only with the number, but also the quality of presentations and the ability to Express their thoughts.
The subject-cycle Commission of information and computing disciplines expresses its gratitude to all participants of this competition. Certificates will be awarded to the winners at the upcoming line of the Department.