On February 5, 2020, a seminar on the theme “False religions-a threat to the future of the nation” was organized in the Assembly hall of the Kostanay construction College for students of the Department of construction and technical specialties of groups # 352 SS-1, # 14 msmp-1, 23 EGS-2. Prevention of involvement of teenagers in destructive religious organizations”. The seminar was prepared and conducted by the head of the Department of the KSU “center for research of religious problems” Disyukov D. A.. and head of the IRG College Musina L. M.
The purpose of the event is to acquaint students with the activities of the outreach group of the College of justifying this activity in terms of level of religious in modern society; increased knowledge about the nature of phenomena such as non-traditional religious associations and organizations that undermine mental and physical health, destroying the traditional values, forms of propaganda and attract new members, as well as the prevention of religious extremism is destructive and totalitarian orientation. During the seminar, participants were given information printed materials – brochures. They were introduced to the main areas of work of the College’s outreach group for the prevention of religious extremism, the main signs of destructive religious organizations, and methods of their activities. The event was held at a good professional level and had a positive educational effect.