According to the work plan of the teacher-psychologist on 01.02.2020, in the group 355ARCH-1, a conversation was held with first-year students on the topic “know how to cherish Love”. 25 students took part in the conversation.
– attach to the most beautiful feeling in the world-love;
– expand students ‘ understanding of the nature of love;
– to form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as chastity, loyalty, selflessness, honor, moral and moral purity, and physical perfection;
– cultivate a negative attitude to promiscuity, permissiveness, vulgarity;
– encourage students to self-analysis, self-development, self-improvement, and the choice of a worthy moral ideal.
Lesson plan:
1. Opening speech
2. Love of a man and a woman
3. Love story
4. Robert Rozhdestvensky ” The Boy»
5. Where does love begin?
6. Situations
7. Psychological advice
8. Result

She came out of the blue, uninvited,
Destroy everything
And everything is building again,
Transforming a drop in the oceans,
All-conquering first love.
The obscure all became certain,
The storm became a nine point wind,
Any sea was knee deep
And any distance is nothing…

Today we will talk about love. Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world; this concept is difficult to define. Love is all-powerful and all-powerful. It can overcome the disease, gives strength, inspires feats, inspires creativity, infuses the soul with tenderness, makes a person happy, makes them soar above the world.
Love is different. What do you think love is like? To the Homeland big and small, to parents, children and sisters, to idols, to animals, to nature, to God, love of the man and the woman and even love e to itself.
One thing is clear to all of us – there is no life without love. So, in order to live, we must set our hearts to love and love.
Today I would like to talk to you about the love of a man and a woman. Many of you may have wondered: “what class does love come in?”, “At what age? Isn’t it early? Isn’t it too late?”I think no one knows the answer to these questions. Listen to a love story.

“I love you, that’s all,” said the Inca.
And he doesn’t like it – complained about it.
“I’m thirteen and no one has ever loved me?” What to do? – asked the Inca.
– Why do girls always have to be silent, why aren’t we the first? Huh? the Inca was indignant.
“I want to be the first to confess.” And come what may. I’m ready for anything, “she decided,” to say everything, to find out everything, to spoil everything, but still to act.
…Behind the building at the fire crane, where no one happens, the Inca, her voice dry with excitement, said for the first time in her life, ” I love!»
“I love you!” her eyes screamed.
“I love you!” it hung in the air like a lonely sound.
“I love you!” “and no one heard.”
“I love you!”
– And love! an invisible voice answered.
“I love you!”
“So what?” Seryozha was surprised.
The thick-skinned cannot hear, the spiritually blind cannot see, the indifferent cannot appreciate the suffering of another. His soul slept, his heart slept. Did not accept, did not understand Seryozha. The Inca had too much of this feeling. Not to embrace it, not to calm it, and not to cope with it. It’s better to stay away from this. It is better to be simpler, where there is less hassle, where everything is clear. And Seryozha left the fire escape. Remains of Inca, it’s hard.
As time went on. It would seem that the Inca calmed down. A smile appeared, and her beautiful brown eyes, which held the whole world, lit up with a calm, happy glow. It was a long time ago, it was in the first episode of a movie about her life. She has come a long way in working on herself since then. Tears from the first love have long dried up, life has put in new conditions, and now you need a lot of patience, courage to save the life and performance of your husband – the best, most dear and beloved friend.
Sasha is seriously ill. The Inca loves him wholeheartedly and devotedly, as she can love him at all.
After the wedding she said:
– We are so good that we are afraid for our love.
She’s manly. He is young, handsome, talented, and madly in love with the Inca, she is his. She’s a real friend.
And now, when she went through a difficult part of life hand in hand with a loved one, when she managed to overcome that distant unrequited feeling in herself, managed not to lose herself, to stand, to be reborn and make her husband happy, she received a letter from the army from Seryozha that, of course, he adores her, respects and loves her…
So, you have listened to the story of the first Mother’s love. And we told it so that you can understand that love is not ordered, not by permission. Love because someone has caused this feeling. First. Bright. Unprotected. What can you do?! “You can’t tell your heart to.”
Let’s think together, think about the fact that already in 13-14 years, teenagers begin to look at themselves more carefully and more strictly, as if re-evaluating themselves. So, you want to like each other, peers. And this is quite normal.
Many poets have sung bright youthful love.

R. Rozhdestvensky ” Boy»
Rozhdestvensky Robert Ivanovich (1932-1994), poet.
He was born in the village of Kosikha in the Altai territory in the family of a soldier. At the age of nine, I found myself in an orphanage. After graduation, he entered Petrozavodsk University, where he began writing poetry. Leaves the University for the Literary Institute. M. Gorky (graduated in 1956).
He was the menace of our neighborhood,
A boy from the next yard.
And on it with caution, but in love
The surrounding area was watched by children.
She was addicted to it,
Because he commanded everywhere,
A flat stone so threw skillfully,
That he was Bouncing like a ball on the water.
In rainy and clear weather
He walked across the pond as fearless as ever,
And there was no passage for outsiders,
As soon as he appeared at the pond.
Accompanied by dedicated sailors,
Treacherous as a pirate Admiral,
He beat boys and dragged girls by their braids.
And a blank notebook were taken.
In a dense garden he set up ambushes,
Playing there with the guys in the war.
And once he saw it from the garden
A girl I don’t know alone.
The fence around the garden was rather dilapidated –
Any boy in the hole was held,
But he, like a cat, jumped straight from the branch
And he blocked the girl’s path.
She is in front of him in a smart white dress
Standing in the evening breeze
With a brown oilcloth briefcase
And a small inkstand in his hand.
Now glimpse the scattered books –
Not for nothing are they afraid of him, like fire,
And suddenly she said, ” there are boys There…
Why don’t you show me…
And he was speechless with amazement,
Completely forgetting how scary he is,
He stepped forward and paused in front of her,
I was smitten by her naive courage.
Threatening to break it immediately,
Band Admiral BOS,
She looked at her hero.
…Lay on the ground in Sunny spots.
The commander left with the girl next to him.
And the subordinates did not understand,
That he was leaving his childhood.

So what is love?
What do you think love begins with?
So, imagine that you are in love. But you don’t know how to say it.
What will you do? Your actions? Ask me out?
How does a date start? Probably from flowers. Every date starts with flowers. It is not for nothing that they say: those who have flowers in their hands cannot do anything wrong!
Let’s say the girl agreed to come on a date. Where would you suggest going?
Is it always easy to be with a loved one?
It’s no secret that on the first date, you can get into difficult situations. In life, we often have to solve problems quickly and in an original way.
When you choose a situation, you must describe your actions.

1. You’re late for the theater. Your companion in a beautiful light dress. Suddenly a passing car sprayed the girl. Your action.
2. You are walking in the Park on a winter evening, suddenly a clod of snow fell on a girl from a tree, she is confused, her makeup is smeared, her hat has fallen, her hair is disheveled. Your action.
3. While walking, your companion suddenly twisted her leg. Your action.

I think you handled all the situations brilliantly. The boys proved themselves to be true gentlemen, and the girls to be true ladies.
From friendship comes respect, from respect love, and the love of two people leads to the creation of a family. For each of us, the word “family” has a special meaning. When we say this word, everyone has different associations. Someone has an image of mom, dad; perhaps the image of all family members; maybe this is a favorite corner of your home, cozy and warm.
What associations do you have with the word “family”?
It is no secret that the love that reigned in the hearts of people who decided to create a family often disappears. What is the cause? Most often-jealousy, which, alas, is a companion of love. Often we do not feel sorry for our neighbor and on the slightest occasion arrange scenes worthy of Shakespeare’s heroes. Yes, unfortunately, all this happens in front of children, parents involve children in quarrels, often set the child against the father or mother.

Given example
“My dad’s the driver!” – the three-year-old boy proudly tells the teacher.
“And you, Vitenka?”
“My father is a scoundrel!”
“Who told you that?”
– Mother.
The child remembers everything. All the words, all the behavior of adults and loved ones are deposited in the child’s mind and gradually form a person, good or bad. When the child grows up, it is still unknown whether he will condemn such a mother. After all, if you can scold your father, then there is nothing to think about in relation to others.
“The best children are with happy parents … Wherever the husband wants his wife to be happy, and the wife wants her husband, there are good children” (A. S. Makarenko).
Parents spend their entire lives in front of their children, which means that they must set an example of generosity, kindness, and humanity for the rest of their lives. Love is what man is. And if it is imperfect, love is also imperfect, and so is family.
What is a perfect family? What is the hallmark of good families?
Do your families have traditions? Which ones? What traditions would you like to strengthen in your family?
What is comfort?
Who should create comfort in the family, home?

Finally – a few tips: