It has already become a tradition at the architectural Department that students of the 1st year in the specialty Architecture and design, from the first days of training, perform creative tasks, demonstrate their creative abilities.
One of the skills to write an essay about your choice of specialty and future profession in a free and creative manner. It is interesting to present, disclose and submit your thoughts in a short story, it is not easy and not everyone can cope with it. But I would like to say that not one essay does not remain unnoticed, in addition to the fact that the student receives a well-deserved assessment in the classroom, and if it is interesting for others, it is awarded a diploma and posted on the College’s website, which greatly stimulates our first-year students. The second creative test, in which our students must show not only their eloquence in writing, but also this transfer of the read work, i.e., perform an illustration, which is not the first year that all our first-year students cope with.
The first work that our students encounter is “Alice in Wonderland” – a work by Lewis Carroll, which brought up more than one generation of children, and which is recognized as the best for many years. A fascinating story about a girl who met a talking White Rabbit is known by almost everyone on the planet. After this amazing meeting, Alice gets into amazing worlds, meets extraordinary characters, and makes the reader believe that in life, perhaps, everything just needs to be believed. First-year students-designers, under the supervision of the curator Kareva T. I. they coped with the work, organized the first personal exhibition in their lives, which they were happy about. And also pleased with their creativity children from a specialized boarding school. On new year’s eve, students presented and decorated the hall of the boarding school building with beautiful illustrations.
The second semester began with the opening of an exhibition of illustrations for the works of the satirical-fiction novel by the English writer Jonathan swift, which vividly and wittily ridicules human and social vices.
The first edition of this literary work was published in 1726 in London. The book has become a classic for children.
What modern teenager does not know Harry James Potter, this is a literary character, the main character of a series of novels by the English writer JK Rowling.
The lion’s share of the exhibition is dedicated to this Harry Potter, it is understandable, such popularity has never been experienced by any of the fictional fairy-tale characters in the modern world. Every student has read and reviewed the film adaptation more than once and knows by heart that Harry grew up in a difficult emotional environment, but this did not affect his character badly. In addition to kindness and courage, Harry is endowed with such qualities as charity, compassion, and the ability to sacrifice himself. Harry is a good friend and companion, does not like to lie, always tries to help those who need help. At the same time, Harry is able to stand up for himself, which is explained by the firmness of his character. And he is also close to them in that he was the same student and peer of our current students.
Creative imagination is the main driving force of creativity and plays a huge role in the life of a growing person. Since all our life activities are more or less connected with creativity, starting from cooking at home, tying shoelaces and ending with the creation of literary works, mechanical devices, paintings, and sculptural ensembles.