January 14, 2020 in the building №1 and №2 was organized and conducted legal education with students with the participation of inspectors group yuvinalnaya police local police service yuop up Kostanai senior police Lieutenant Contineu A. J. and Lieutenant of police D. K. Kozovoy, the Coverage of students was 600 students. The district inspectors focused students ‘ attention on the need to respect the rules of public order, the inadmissibility of mass in the announced fees and other possible locations of illegal protests and explained about presence in their actions of structure of offences under articles of the administrative code 440, 441 of the administrative code, 434 and 443 Cao Cao.
Deputy Director of VR Inertbaeva G. S. reminded about the duties and rights of students, the need to comply with the rules of internal regulations of the College, acquainted with the events of January.