On December 12, 2019, the all-club event “Chevron Day” was held in the premises of the military-Patriotic club “Typhoon”.
After solemn carrying of a banner of club and performance of the anthem, children-freshmen took the oath to club, swore under a banner of club fidelity to the purposes and tasks of the organization, promised to keep and increase traditions of club. And after writing a statement for voluntary membership in the club, to the guys and girls was awarded the first rank – “Candidate students of the club” and they were entitled to wear on their uniforms Chevron military-industrial complex “Typhoon”.
Only the most persistent and skillful, at the end of the school year, to the “Day of the great Victory – may 9”, after passing the tests defined by the Charter of the club, will be entitled to be called cadets of the club. We wish them health, courage and Victories !!!