From November 1 to December 1, the Youth Republican center of Kostanay region announced the month “Month of good”.

Within the framework of this event, students of Kostanay Construction College took an active part in the campaign “I am a donor”.

Students of the Architectural Department of the group 330 Arch-3, 329 Arch-3, 320 D-4, in the number of 20 people, accompanied by the curator Badazhkova L. V. Donated blood for Nikiforov A.V. the Family in the person of Nikiforova G. A. teacher of the private art school named after Rusin, expressed gratitude for the attention and indifference to the trouble in their family.

The most important thing for us as teachers is to preserve in the character of each student, moral qualities, feelings of compassion and help to others.