On November 15, 2019, as part of the anti-corruption action plan, an oral journal on “types of corruption”was held.
Corruption destroys the state from within. A citizen is a source of state power in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To eradicate corruption, it is important to involve every member of society in this work.
The purpose of this event was to characterize the concepts of “corruption”,” corruption”, to acquaint with the forms and types of manifestations of corruption, its consequences, as well as the norms of criminal responsibility for corruption.
It should be noted that the promotion of knowledge about corruption among students was also timed to the International day against corruption, which is celebrated annually by all UN member States-December 9.
Prepared and conducted the event, a law lecturer
Velgosha G. V., librarian Bagrova N. E. the event was attended by students of group No. 356 D-1, curator Kareva T. I.
One of the pages of the magazine was devoted to the history of corruption. During the event, students received answers to the questions :” what does corruption depend on?”, “What does corruption entail?”We also got acquainted with the legal responsibility for corruption crimes.
It was interesting to listen to the students ‘opinion when answering the question:” What would you propose to fight corruption if You were the President of the country?”.
Many have come to the conclusion: first of all, you need to start with yourself and demand the elimination of corruption from others. Then in the eyes of others will increase the authority, faith and respect for the structures of power, society realizes the need to fight corruption.