“Every intolerance is a sign of weakness.
Cooperation is a confirmation of balance»
Nicholas Roerich.

On November 04, the library began to operate a book-illustrative exhibition “the Road of tolerance, peace, friendship and harmony”.

The exhibition is timed to the International day of tolerance, which is celebrated on November 16.

November 16-this day is declared by UNESCO in November 1995 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of this international humanitarian organization as the international day of tolerance (tolerance). On November 16, 1945, a founding conference was held in London, approving the UNESCO Charter, which entered into force on November 4, 1946.

Characteristic of the definition of tolerance in the Preamble of the UN Charter: “… to show tolerance and live together in peace with each other as good neighbors.”

The same meaning carries the definition of tolerance, proposed by the American dictionary ” American Heritage Dictionary»:

“Tolerance — the ability to recognize or practically recognize and respect the beliefs and actions of others.”

The aim of the exhibition is to foster tolerance in the younger generation.

At the exhibition you can read the history of the holiday,

get acquainted with the basic principles of tolerance and the characteristics of a tolerant person, which is accompanied by photos.

Fiction became a powerful means of educating tolerance and at the same time a mirror that reflected the search for ways to it. Examples of this can be found in all genres of literary works: such as fables, fairy tales, poems, short stories, novels, novels, etc. Using all this diversity, the section “Tolerance in works of art” was created, where such authors as: I. A. Krylov, A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, I. A. Goncharov, I. S. Turgenev, Russian folk tales, etc., in their works reveal various aspects of tolerance: religious, ethnic, moral. Classics of literature show that tolerance is an important feature in the formation of personality.

For example, in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” a tolerant person can be called Tatiana Larina, who is a model of a faithful and worthy wife. Although Onegin is not indifferent to her, Tatiana exclaims: “but I am given to another and will be faithful to him forever.” She patiently apply it to the surrounding society and to the people that do not agree.

If we talk about the fairy tale “Morozko”, in the aspect of tolerance, it will be obvious that the daughter-stepdaughter is patient and in relation to her own father, taking into account his choice of wife and in relation to her sister and stepmother, who force her to do dirty work, subjected to various ridicule and mockery. She shows tolerance and to the most Morozko. After all girl believes his master in the forest, and themselves his guest, so, as guest she undergoes a a strong the coldness and wind, at all not from-for benefits, but because so it tells its domestic sense of tact and good manners.
A similar example is the fairy tale “Cinderella”, where the stepdaughter suffers the ridicule of her stepmother and sisters, respects her somewhat weak-willed father and accepts his opinion.

Thus, in many works of art it is easy to trace the theme of patient attitude to people who hold different opinions from others, the search for compromise and interest in life in all its diversity.

We invite everyone to visit the exhibition, which will be valid until November 24, 2019.