On October 28, 2019, within the framework of preventive work with students, in order to form students ‘ skills of responsible, health-saving behavior, raising awareness of students of different age categories on the prevention of consumption of psychoactive substances, a round table on the topic “prevention of drug addiction among minors”was organized. The round table was attended by the psychologist “CHIPS” Bisembaeva G. A. and major of the police DEA DIA Radilov A. K.. Speakers of the round table focused students ‘ attention on the impact of psychoactive substances on the human body, introduced new types of synthetic drugs. Police major Radilova elaborated on the law and substance use. During the round table, students were shown documentaries “Bull heart”, “Spice, deadly”, “Consequences of synthetic drugs”, “Sober look”. In conclusion, students were urged to behave responsibly, to refuse even single use.