Purpose of training:
1.Increase of adequacy of own representation about itself and perception of others;
2.Growth of individual responsibility for achievement of personal goals and solution of actual communicative tasks;
3.Actualization of individual resources, psychological self-correction-approximation to the state of internal harmony and balance
4.Growth of communicative openness and quality of communication;
5. Mastering the skills of constructive social interaction;
6.The development of abilities to adapt and be creative.

Training objectives:
1.To provide the group members with professional assistance in solving urgent internal conflicts, overcoming current difficulties and barriers;
2.To provide the group members with the experience of constructive self-examination (self-analysis) and independent solution of actual internal problems;
3.Provide the group members with the experience of full communication with each other and the group, the experience of communicative community, effective interaction in the process of solving common problems;
4. To teach skills of constructive identification and the decision of interpersonal problems and conflicts, establishment of effective relations with people around;
5.To teach skills of active independent internal search and the decision of pressing psychological problems and conflicts;
6. To teach skills of receiving and constructive use of “feedback”(information about yourself from the surrounding communicative environment).  One of the main tasks of the group of communicative training is to help the participant in expressing himself by his individual means, and for this you first need to learn to perceive and understand yourself.  According to the work plan of the teacher-psychologist for the month of October, a communicative training was held with the 2nd year students(gr343arch-2, gr344d-2).The total number of participants was 50 people. As part of the training, the exercise “complete the phrase”was proposed. Objective: to identify existing ideas on the topic under discussion; to analyze the experience of interaction with the social environment.

1.The most interesting thing in the class for me was…
2. I believe that the last lesson was…
3.In class I liked(did not like)…

Communication skills:
1.ability to listen
2.the ability to transmit information and take it with the right meaning;
3.ability to understand another;
4.ability to empathize, sympathize;
5.ability to adequately assess yourself and others;
6.ability to accept the opinion of another;
7.ability to resolve conflict;
8.ability to interact with team members.