On October 12, 2019, our College held a College-wide parent-teacher meeting. Traditionally, parents of first-year students gathered in the Assembly hall to represent the administration of the College, heads of departments and to acquaint the parent community with the achievements of the institution. Special attention in the agenda of the parents ‘ meeting was paid to the prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents: prevention of involvement in destructive sites, prevention of offenses and auto-destructive behavior. The agenda of the meeting was attended by distinguished guests-invited experts. Police major, of Tuganov Myrzabek Sardarbekovich – head of the Centre of psychological work of the Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of interior in his speech in great detail introduced the parent community with a mechanism involving adolescents in the destructive religious organizations. Myrzabek Sardarbekovich told the parents the address and phone number of the service, where parents can contact in case of such a problem. Also on the agenda of the parents ‘ meeting was attended by district inspectors of the southern Department, police lieutenants Kozova Dariga Alshymbayevna and Nasambaeva Diana Tursynovna, they reminded parents of the administrative and criminal responsibility that can be borne by teenagers and their parents in case of violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Each parent was handed a memo, developed by the center of BP, which has phone services where parents can contact in the event of a non-standard life situation, as well as recommendations on the success of overcoming the difficulties of adolescents adaptation period.
In order to prevent corruption offenses, information about the address Of the Department of the Agency for combating corruption in Kostanay region and the hotline number- “1424”was brought to the parental public.
In conclusion, Gulnara Serikovna, Deputy Director for BP, noted that only through joint efforts of the administration, College teachers and parents can our students overcome the difficulties of adolescence and successfully avoid the destructive influences of society and expressed hope for successful and fruitful cooperation.

Students-activists did not stay away from such a significant event, they took an active part in the organizational moments of the meeting: they met their parents, registered, organized the work of the wardrobe, and also showed their parents their brightest Amateur performances. So, parent meeting combined efforts of everyone: the administration, teachers, students and their parents! Indeed, in unity our strength!